DarkChat - Reviewing the Edinburgh Fringe since 2008
Vampire Hospital Waiting Room
Having previously been blown over by Beach Comet’s comedy musical ‘Apocalypse Cruise Ship Love Affair’, DarkChat were
positively salivating at the thought of another musical from the talented and hilarious production group. But would the promise of
a vampire themed musical offer as much bite as the predecessor, or would it…suck…yes, sorry about that one.
Well, DarkChat is positively giddy to announce that the show is an undoubted success, with hilarious puns, musical moments, and
over-the-top performances everywhere to be seen. Unless you fell asleep of course (David!).
The title is…a little misleading, in that it is not actually a waiting room for Vampires, but rather a hospital waiting room who’s chief
doctor, Doctor Bloom, is forced to pass his days treating patients as he waits, less than patiently, for the grand vampire master to
arrive and turn him into a member of the undead (quite why he thinks the vampire is likely to show up in his waiting room is
unclear, but to get bogged down with two plot holes in one’s neck would be ignoring the point of the show). During his time in
surgery today, Bloom deals with a stabbed vicar, a drunk musician, and finally a car crash victim who Bloom believes to be the
master vampire, alongside the crash victim’s wife and lover. Ooh, and there’s a sexy nurse thrown in to boot.
People will undoubtedly leave this show with one standout memory; Joe McArdle and his astonishingly hilarious stage-dominating performance of Dr Bloom. In fact, McArdle dominates pretty much the first half hour to the extent that it is in danger of becoming a one-man show, but after that the other characters find their role and, perhaps simply by getting McArdle off the stage for small periods, add gentle humour and witty pit-stops. Which is a relief because ‘Sexy Nurse’ adds blunt humour, the gold-digging wife of the car crash victim is wonderfully over the top, and there are some softly spoken one-lines from the vicar. In addition you shall enjoy tap-dancing, hilarious songs and the right blend of wit and silliness.
Hats off to Beach Comet for yet another rip-roaring success for, in our opinion (and it is an opinion we hold a great amount of faith in), VHWR is definitely a show worth waiting for!
Vampire Hospital Waiting Room is at Gilded Ballon, Patterhoose until August 25th (alternating dates, check listing)
Gilded Balloon Patterhoose (Venue 24)