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DarkChat - Reviewing the Edinburgh Fringe since 2008


Nick Helm's I Think, You Stink!

Several years ago Nick Helm created this horror musical and as he was returning with his 1st stand up show for 6 years has

decided to bring it back and, hopefully gain a wider audience. And, wow, are we pleased he did. Anyone who has followed

his career knows he is a man of musical talents (we always loved his songs in "Uncle").


Our link with Mr H goes back quite a few years to when he was a guest in "Richard Sandling's Perfect Movie", a free show,

and getting involved with DarkChatter Phil about why "Jurassic Park" was his favourite film. Since then he (Nick, not

Phil) is more well-known as a shouty, sweaty, in your face comedian, which is the persona he adopted when I saw him as a

guest a few years ago on "The Horne Section"!


The opening few numbers and a back projection set the scene that this will be a feast for both your ears and your eyes. There

is a lot going on so you are constantly switching your attention between all the performers. Eventually it settles down to a more

specific story about an obsessive boyfriend, who refuses to relinquish his partner even after death.


I loved everything about it, the music, the singing, the performances, the choreography, the plot and best of all Mr H beaming from ear to ear as he was clearly having a great time, that sense of fun translating directly to the audience.


I have given the impression that this a one person show which couldn't be further from the truth. He was more than ably assisted by the likes of Jenny Bede, Rob Kemp (laughing as he missed a few notes), Katie Pritchard and Sooz Kempner.


We all had a great time and it will be a long time before I forget the sight of Nick in the chorus, in a less than flattering jump suit and dancing whilst holding pom poms with a huge smile on his face.




Nick Helm's I Think, You Stink! is at Assembly Roxy until August 25th

Assembly Roxy (Upstairs) (Venue 139)


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