DarkChat - Reviewing the Edinburgh Fringe since 2008

Jordan Brookes: I've Got Nothing
Anyone who read my review last year will recall that I know Jordan a little having seen him perform in many tiny, now mainly
defunct comedy venues in Cardiff a few years ago. To see him now, deservedly. a big player at Pleasance is proof that hard
work and talent can pay off.
As there is so much to see in Edinburgh I am not normally a fan of returning to see performers but I was happy to make an
exception for Brookes. Having arrived in the Scottish capital today this was our 2nd festival show with the unenviable task of
following Basil Brush! Both acts are listed in the Comedy section of the brochure but there the similarity ends.
Jordan bounds on stage with deafening music pounding around us shouting , until you gradually work out what is happening
and it proves to be the perfect opening to a great show. The joy of Jordan is his unpredictability. Last year's show was more
themed while this is more a compendium of moments, constantly changing your opinions of what constitutes comedy. In lesser
hands this could unnerve an audience but he is so engaging we are all willing to follow him wherever he leads us.
As ever I enjoyed some moments more than others but I was always on the edge of my seat wondering where we would go next.
I seem to have ignored one key aspect, he is very, very funny. So if you fancy a good laugh and seeing something different go.
Highly recommended.
Jordan Brookes: I've Got Nothing is at Pleasance Courtyard, Beneath until August 25th (not 13th)
Pleasance Courtyard, Beneath (Venue 33) 21.30