DarkChat - Reviewing the Edinburgh Fringe since 2008
Joe Bor: The Story of Walter and Herbert
Several years ago DARKCHAT 1st saw Joe Bor with " The Man With 2 Bumholes". Imagine my surprise to discover he was
returning this year with a show about his grandfather and Herbert Lom. As well as sounding an interesting premise it slightly
resonated with me. My grandmother was a cleaner and dresser for a variety of famous people in the 1950's, including Valerie
Hobson, who played opposite Mr Lom in the original London production of "The King And I". And on such flimsy criteria are
shows scheduled in the DARKCHAT spreadsheet.
And what a good call that was. Joe Bor proved to be a charming host talking about himself, his family, his relationship with his
father and grandfather, Walter. Walter and Herbert grew up together and basically, Herbert saved his life ( ultimately ensuring
Joe was born) in the most dramatic of circumstances. This show reveals a great deal about the ups and downs of that pair's
friendship and how they both reached the pinnacle of their differing professions.
For those of us lucky not to have lived during the war these stories barely seem real, though sadly history seems determined to repeat itself in these increasingly depressing days.
Comedy at Edinburgh does not have to be all about stand-up and sketch shows etc. There is a place for great shows that can be informative, entertaining, moving and joyous. This is one of those!
Joe Bor: The Story of Walter and Herbert is at Underbelly, George Square until August 25th
Underbelly, George Square (Venue 300) 16.00