DarkChat - Reviewing the Edinburgh Fringe since 2008

It is tempting, when going to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, to stick to well-known performers at the main Fringe venues but
DarkChat recommends trying the unfamiliar as well.
The Time and Again Theatre Company are new to DarkChat. Clouds is a new play written by Laura Crow who also plays the
central character, a young woman who wants to become a pilot. The play is set in 1913 when the women's suffrage movement
is gaining momentum, the Great War is on the horizon and aviation is in its infancy. It is clear from the writing that there has been
thorough research and the three female characters neatly illustrate the limited choices available to women at that time. It is good
to be given a programme at a Fringe show, so I can mention Fiona Primrose who gives a memorable performance as a young
The set was impressive - especially for a Fringe show - but I'd like to suggest that actors who are not involved in a scene do not necessarily have to be out of sight, especially when the stage is small and surrounded by a curtain, as frequent entrances and exits can slow the play's momentum. However this is a minor criticism of a thoughtful piece about a pivotal time in British history with a theme which still resonates today.
Clouds is at theSpace On The MIle until August 17th (not 11th)
theSpace on The Mile (Venue 39)