DarkChat - Reviewing the Edinburgh Fringe since 2008
Briony Redman is Indecisive (or Isn't, You Decide!
We have been fans of Briony's for many years now (who doesn't love someone who gives an award for her best
review. Yes, readers, we were those reviewers). Her name is one of the 1st on our Spreadsheet and this year
we finally discovered how indecisive she is. Or is she? ( Spoiler alert, yes she is).
Having kindly given some audience members the opportunity of opting out of participation (she is a very thoughtful
performer) we are the ones who control how the show progresses. As ever Briony's show revolves around
attempting to solve a mystery and ultimately save the world. At each stage of the plot we chose where the story
goes next, so in theory Briony has written 2 shows.
Naturally, this involves a lot of silliness, and as Naz (Osmanoglu) discovered earlier this week it is hard to sustain an hour of top-notch comedy in a one person show and there is the occasional lull. However, the welcome return of Bjork and the unexpected appearance of Benedict Cumberbatch makes it all worth while (his chair work is worth the price of admission alone) .
The life of a reviewer can be dangerous as we found out that the venue was closed the following day due to safety issues, though I believe this has now been fully resolved. But, if there was one performer we would have suffered physical danger for it would be Briony!
(PS Our award for Best Tech Involvement in a show goes to Damien (1). Amazingly, by the end of the run she would have worked with 2 different tech guys, both called Damien).
Briony Redman is Indecisive....is at Pleasance Courtyard until August 26th (not 13th)
Pleasance Courtyard: Bunker Three (Venue 33) 12.45